It’s not a celebration without a drink!

I recently just turned 21 and man, it was so much fun!! The drinking was nice and all, but being around my friends and loved ones was so much better! Here’s a little recap of the shenanigans I got into… thankfully, no arrests were made! XD

I started off my birthday going to class… I still have to adult even though all I wanted to do was stay in bed.

After class I got ready for dinner with my friends! We went to a local Mexican restaurant, La Huerta, and the first thing we order? MARGARITAS.

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First margarita of the night!

After having 3 margaritas and a tequila shot-I was feeling buzzed to say the least- we proceeded over to the bowling alley, because that was the only request I had for my birthday- to go bowling! Bowling was my favorite part of the night! I can’t stress enough how amazing it is to have wonderful friends surrounding me! We decided to order more margaritas (Who knew some bowling alleys had a full functioning bar!!!) and get started. Okay, word to the wise- If you are a competitive person, like me, and want to win DO NOT drink alcohol and expect to be a decent bowler. Those things just don’t mix.

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The greatest friends to have for an awesome birthday celebration!

Lastly, we went to Bear’s Den, the local college bar. It’s a right of passage to go in there, get carded (actually get in), and get a drink! So, of course I had another margarita. All in all, I had 5 margaritas and one giant ass tequila shot (apparently the waiters at La Huerta thought it would be funny to double my shot). The next morning was not so fun. I went to class with the typical hungover attire: sunglasses, t-shirt, shorts, and hair in a bun. Thankfully, all my teachers and classmates were understanding.

I want to end this post with a couple of tips for drinking on your 21st birthday!

  1. DO NOT MIX YOUR ALCOHOLS. That’s just a recipe for a disaster! Keep it simple, if you start with vodka stick with vodka. If you start with tequila, only drink tequila for the night. There’s nothing worse than mixing two alcohols together that are not compatible…
  2. DO NOT go bowling and expect to be drunk and good at the game.
  3. HAVE FUN!!!!!

How was your 21st birthday celebration?! Did you drink? Did you have a little too much fun…? Let me know!

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Ashley Godwin

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