As school comes to an end and summer begins the dreaded (or highly anticipated) grades come out. I’ve never really anticipated grades coming out, because I never worried much about them. In high school, I knew that I was a good student and the teacher would grade me accordingly. Well, college is a little different. I’ve had great teachers in college who are understanding and who graded fairly. Then, there are the teachers who are MONSTERS AND WANT TO RUIN MY LIFE. Grades became a big deal to me after I had one teacher who was so strict that I stressed my self out to the point to no return. Thus, college wasn’t so fun anymore.

So allow me to bestow some words of wisdom upon you. GRADES DO NOT DEFINE YOU. You don’t need spectacular grades to be successful! Well, if you want to be competitive in medical or law school a 3.8-4.0 is necessary. But the rest of you, don’t worry! Well, if you want to get into graduate school, the GRE and grade point is evaluated, and like I said competitiveness is key…. But, hey! The rest of us don’t have to worry! Who needs grades? Who needs a job? Who needs a house to live in and a car to drive? Money isn’t important, right?


In all seriousness, do not stress yourself out over grades. Everything will work out. Like I said in my previous post, finding the perfect balance is the key to success. Enjoy college! Have some fun! But remember why you are there. Your education is important. Do not let grades determine the worth of your education.

Happy reading!


Finding the perfect balance.

I think the hardest thing I’ve had to do since I’ve been in school is finding the balance between work and fun. Now, you’re probably thinking I have been having too much fun and I slack off on my work, but quite the opposite. I am a perfectionist and school has always come first for me. If I know I have homework or an assignment due, I will put everything else aside, because school is very important to me. But this has gotten me into a lot of trouble, just like having too much fun and not doing the necessary schoolwork can cause problems. I would get so wrapped up in school that I would isolate myself from my friends and family. I would have mental breakdowns from all the stress I was putting on myself. Lots and lots of frustrated tears.


Finding this balance between work and play is essential to success whether you are in school or out in the working world. Having too much fun can be detrimental, but so can too much work. So, next time you are stressed and have been working for a long period of time, don’t be afraid to take a break! Go out with some friends, take a walk, play a video game! And when you have been partying too much… Well, I think you know what you’ve got to do.


What do you do to relieve stress? Are a partier or a workaholic? Let me know!

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It’s not a celebration without a drink!

I recently just turned 21 and man, it was so much fun!! The drinking was nice and all, but being around my friends and loved ones was so much better! Here’s a little recap of the shenanigans I got into… thankfully, no arrests were made! XD

I started off my birthday going to class… I still have to adult even though all I wanted to do was stay in bed.

After class I got ready for dinner with my friends! We went to a local Mexican restaurant, La Huerta, and the first thing we order? MARGARITAS.

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First margarita of the night!

After having 3 margaritas and a tequila shot-I was feeling buzzed to say the least- we proceeded over to the bowling alley, because that was the only request I had for my birthday- to go bowling! Bowling was my favorite part of the night! I can’t stress enough how amazing it is to have wonderful friends surrounding me! We decided to order more margaritas (Who knew some bowling alleys had a full functioning bar!!!) and get started. Okay, word to the wise- If you are a competitive person, like me, and want to win DO NOT drink alcohol and expect to be a decent bowler. Those things just don’t mix.

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The greatest friends to have for an awesome birthday celebration!

Lastly, we went to Bear’s Den, the local college bar. It’s a right of passage to go in there, get carded (actually get in), and get a drink! So, of course I had another margarita. All in all, I had 5 margaritas and one giant ass tequila shot (apparently the waiters at La Huerta thought it would be funny to double my shot). The next morning was not so fun. I went to class with the typical hungover attire: sunglasses, t-shirt, shorts, and hair in a bun. Thankfully, all my teachers and classmates were understanding.

I want to end this post with a couple of tips for drinking on your 21st birthday!

  1. DO NOT MIX YOUR ALCOHOLS. That’s just a recipe for a disaster! Keep it simple, if you start with vodka stick with vodka. If you start with tequila, only drink tequila for the night. There’s nothing worse than mixing two alcohols together that are not compatible…
  2. DO NOT go bowling and expect to be drunk and good at the game.
  3. HAVE FUN!!!!!

How was your 21st birthday celebration?! Did you drink? Did you have a little too much fun…? Let me know!

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Learning how to dress for the working world.

When I attended primary school, we wore uniforms. Of course the students tried to get around the fact that we looked like a frumpy army of catholic school girls by rolling up our skirts and unbuttoning our polos one button further than needed. The school explained that the uniforms were to create a safe environment for the students; but by prohibiting me from wearing clothes of my choice, I was unable to understand what correct attire was when I got into the working world. The school was a college preparatory school. Their goal is to educate us for higher education and prepare us for a successful career, but I felt restricting our choice of clothing was more of a disability than anything.

Anyway, I get to college and there are no rules as to what you can’t wear as long as you aren’t struttin’ around in your birthday suit. So, for the first time in my life I do not have to conform to any certain apparel. I can wear whatever fashion my heart desires. However, this is also not realistic to what it’s like in the working world.

The first internship I had, I walked in wearing jean shorts and a form fitted t-shirt. They didn’t tell me there was a dress code and it gets really hot in the summertime! By the end of the day I got an email from my boss kindly telling me to dress appropriately for the next day. I was so embarrassed! So, I have compiled some of my favorite business looks that might help you!

Trust me, first impressions are everything, especially for a job interview. You want to make sure you look appropriate, but you also don’t want to lose your sense of style! Quint Careers also has great advice on how to make sure you are dressed for success!

Trying to stay sane one day at a time.

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Pranks & Probation

By request, this one is for you, James! This is probably the craziest thing that has happened to me, and it happened in the first two weeks of college…

I was accepted into the Honors College at UCA and unless you picked people to room with, you would be randomly assigned. To make the random assignment a little more personalized, the Honors faculty sent out a survey to take, so they could match you with roommates that closely resembled your survey answers. So, knowing that I wanted my future roommate to be clean, I put the answers I thought my dream roommate would put down: Very organized, quiet, clean, and not a morning person. I was put in a suite-style dorm, and I was assigned to three other girls. Two of the roommates and I got along right away. We all had common interests and enjoyed spending time together. The other roommate, we will call her Jessica, did not seem to fit in as well. Now, don’t say we didn’t try to include her and get to know her. She just didn’t seem very interested in doing the things we did. BUT, I must say I was matched pretty well with Jessica based on the survey questions, because she liked things clean- I mean REALLY clean. So clean, when we left any dirty dishes around the sink, she would leave us notes telling us to get our shit together. She was fairly quiet and to herself, and always in her room. The only difference we had was she got up at 6 a.m. every morning to make sure she had 2 hours of relaxation time before she got ready for school… You win some you lose some.

So, the first night we had to fill out a roommate agreement that stated our preferences in the room, like when we should be quiet, and if personal items can be shared. Anyway, we were going through the questions and all I can think about is all the parties I am going to later, and all the people I’ve met. I wanted my room to be a fun room, a party room. Well that’s not what happened. Jessica immediately said she wanted the room to be quiet by 10 p.m. and no boys were allowed to stay over. Uhh what? After I heard her state all the requirements she wanted from us, I just sat there sulking, because I knew I wouldn’t get my party room. The last thing on the roommate agreement was how we treat each other’s belongings. Jessica brought a futon to share in the living room area, and her only request from us was, “No sex on the futon.” I am not even kidding. I reassured her I have some semblance of not being a disrespectful strumpet, so we ended the conversation, and went to bed; but while I was in bed all I could think about was who the hell she knew before college that would make her worried about us having sex on her futon in the public area of our dorm when we have our own private rooms? The roommates and I continued to laugh about how that request of “no sex on the futon” was so weird.

Anyway, now to the good stuff.

A few days later, the two roommates and I were having dinner with some of our friends and we were feeling a little mischievous. Now, I will admit I was the mastermind behind all this, because I like to be funny and play jokes. We decided we wanted to joke around with Jessica about this whole “no sex on the futon.” We got our gay guy friend, Mark, and his best friend, Sarah (both whom Jessica knew) to partake in our joke. Our plan was to go to the room and have them making out on the futon with Barry White music playing and have some mood lighting, and Jessica would walk in. The rest of us were hiding around the room and we planned to jump out and surprise her at the end. Now, here’s how this poorly executed plan played out.

None of us could stop laughing. It was just such a ridiculous idea we couldn’t control ourselves. The first mistake we made was peeking out the door, so when Jessica came around the corner she saw our heads peek back into the room and heard the door close. Then when she walked in, Sarah and Mark were hysterically laughing as Barry White crooned in the background. Props to them though for trying to be sexy and keep the joke going. Jessica walked in, stopped in her tracks with a look of confusion and then dismay. She started to walk to her room and as she was walking away, she said, “Really guys, really?” And by that point we are all dying laughing and we run out and grab her and tell her it’s all fake. She began to nervously laugh and we apologized, and made sure she was okay and know we were just kidding. She seemed to get more comfortable with the idea and said, “I knew something was up when I saw your heads peeking out of the door as I was walking down the hall.” We all finished our merriment and went on our way, and that was the last time we spoke of that until a week later…

It was the weekend and I was at home with my mom. I get a text from one of the roommates asking if I had checked my email recently. I said no, and she said I needed to look and see if I had gotten a misconduct letter from the judiciary board. I had, and I honestly had no idea what it pertained to, because all it said was I was being reviewed for harassment charges. Immediately I wanted to act, and figure what the hell was going on, but I had to wait until Monday to get things sorted out. My roommates did a little digging and found out we all got a letter, except Jessica. So, we asked her if she had gone to the judiciary board or if she had any complaints against us. She said no.

[Now let me just put this side note here. I HATE liars. I am a person that is a big advocate for honesty and communication, so if someone has a problem with me, tell me. I want to fix things, so we can get past it. Don’t pretend like you don’t know what’s going on and have everything blow up later. That just makes me hella angry.]

Anyway, we all have our judiciary meetings with the Student Conduct Coordinator, Adam. I was the last person in our group to go, so I had the low down before I went in to meet him. We found out that Jessica had gone to the RA to discuss her time in our room. The joke came up and the RA felt it was necessary to report it, even though Jessica had told her she didn’t want anything to come of it, she just wanted someone to know what had been going on in case she wanted to report it later.

[Side note again… Do not even get me started on all the communication mistakes that were made in this interaction. This whole story would be a prime example of how NOT to handle student situations. It just gets worse from here so hold tight.]

I am fired up at this point. And for those of you who don’t know me when I feel there has been an injustice done, I am determined to make it right. I mean I was on Honor Council in high school for goodness sake! I am a good kid, an excellent student! I should not be in this situation. So, going into Adam’s office I was determined to get all of us removed from trouble and explain how ridiculous and poorly handled this whole situation is.

Adam greeted me with a smile; he did not know what was coming to him. He asked if I knew why I was there and I gave him a brief description of I am here for the mishandling done by the RAs and a gross miscommunication done by all involved. He asked for my side of the story, and when I got to the part about my flamboyant gay friend, Mark, he had a look of confusion. He asked me if people knew Mark was out to everyone, which I replied with a definite yes. This led me to be confused, so I asked him what Jessica’s story was. He told me she said that she walked into the dorm unknowing that anyone would be in the dorm. She then saw Mark and Sarah NAKED on the futon as we all were huddled around gawking at the sight, like some cheap ass porno. She then went on to say we were maliciously taunting her and she didn’t feel comfortable to live with us after the horrendous ordeal she had gone through.

Now, I’m looking at Adam like a deer in the headlights. I didn’t know whether to laugh or start angrily screaming how far from the truth that was. A rainbow of emotions flooded my system and instead of laughing or screaming I just started crying. And mind you they weren’t sad tears. They were frustrated tears. How the hell did I end up getting into such a fucked up situation? Why did I do this to myself? I told Adam what actually happened, which he responded with relief. Allow me to remind you, I am the last person in our group to meet with Adam. It took him four people before me until he found out what really happened! He told me that what we did was harmless and it was all a misunderstanding. So, I am thinking we are all off the hook and we can put this behind us, but he pulls out the UCA handbook and tells me I am going on academic probation for a semester and have to write a letter of recognition. Uh what? Didn’t he just say it was harmless and a misunderstanding? He said we still broke the Inappropriate Behavior (Harassment) policy by “making an offensive coarse utterance, gesture, or display.” That made me angrier, because of how vague the policy was, and I decided if he was going to have his way with this, I was going to have my way with the letter of recognition; but that is another post in itself…

I decided I would no longer befriend Jessica, as it was the best thing to do for both of us, even though we had to do another roommate meeting with the RA to try to better our relationship with each other. Let’s just say that went about as well as poking my eyes out with a sharp knife. Jessica ended up moving out the next week.

Freshman year was full of ups and downs and at the time I thought I would never get through all the bullshit that was going on, but it got better. I definitely learned a lot from that experience. I learned not everything is a joke and not everyone is open to a sense of humor like mine. Jessica and I are on good terms now; she now can look me in the eyes and even occasionally will say hi to me in passing. If there is one thing I can take away from this is a good story and a lot of laughs to keep me sane.

Happy reading!

Drum roll, please!

Two weeks into the beginning of my college career I was already in trouble with the university. I was on academic probation and the dean knew me by name- not for any good reasons I might add. This is where I first learned I had to grow up. I couldn’t rely on my mother to help me get out of trouble. I had to do it on my own.

Although this time in my life was hard, I can now look back on it and laugh. I can also laugh at a lot of other things, like how I had to learn how to do my own laundry and call to make my own doctors’ appointments. I discovered everyone at school didn’t really have a firm grasp on what it meant to be an adult. We all are kind of just running around assuming if we are still breathing then we must be doing something right.

My blog is going to be all the good, bad, funny, weird, and horrific experiences of what it’s like to transition into adulthood. This has definitely been the most interesting time in my life thus far and these situations should be shared, so that maybe you can gain some insight or just a laugh.

Happy reading!

Ashley Godwin

Reporter and Multimedia Journalist


Live each day to inspire the lives of others.

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| Our Humanity |

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