Drum roll, please!

Two weeks into the beginning of my college career I was already in trouble with the university. I was on academic probation and the dean knew me by name- not for any good reasons I might add. This is where I first learned I had to grow up. I couldn’t rely on my mother to help me get out of trouble. I had to do it on my own.

Although this time in my life was hard, I can now look back on it and laugh. I can also laugh at a lot of other things, like how I had to learn how to do my own laundry and call to make my own doctors’ appointments. I discovered everyone at school didn’t really have a firm grasp on what it meant to be an adult. We all are kind of just running around assuming if we are still breathing then we must be doing something right.

My blog is going to be all the good, bad, funny, weird, and horrific experiences of what it’s like to transition into adulthood. This has definitely been the most interesting time in my life thus far and these situations should be shared, so that maybe you can gain some insight or just a laugh.

Happy reading!

Ashley Godwin

Reporter and Multimedia Journalist


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