As school comes to an end and summer begins the dreaded (or highly anticipated) grades come out. I’ve never really anticipated grades coming out, because I never worried much about them. In high school, I knew that I was a good student and the teacher would grade me accordingly. Well, college is a little different. I’ve had great teachers in college who are understanding and who graded fairly. Then, there are the teachers who are MONSTERS AND WANT TO RUIN MY LIFE. Grades became a big deal to me after I had one teacher who was so strict that I stressed my self out to the point to no return. Thus, college wasn’t so fun anymore.

So allow me to bestow some words of wisdom upon you. GRADES DO NOT DEFINE YOU. You don’t need spectacular grades to be successful! Well, if you want to be competitive in medical or law school a 3.8-4.0 is necessary. But the rest of you, don’t worry! Well, if you want to get into graduate school, the GRE and grade point is evaluated, and like I said competitiveness is key…. But, hey! The rest of us don’t have to worry! Who needs grades? Who needs a job? Who needs a house to live in and a car to drive? Money isn’t important, right?


In all seriousness, do not stress yourself out over grades. Everything will work out. Like I said in my previous post, finding the perfect balance is the key to success. Enjoy college! Have some fun! But remember why you are there. Your education is important. Do not let grades determine the worth of your education.

Happy reading!


Ashley Godwin

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